mirko_raner: Getting ready for take off for our Manhattan helicopter tour
mirko_raner: Liberty Island from above
mirko_raner: Financial District with Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan Bridge in the background
mirko_raner: Aerial view of Midtown and Lower Manhattan
mirko_raner: Empire State Building with 432 Park Avenue nearing completion in the background
mirko_raner: That's where I live! My apartment is on the 27th floor of the smaller one of the two pinkish buildings in the foreground
mirko_raner: Central Park including the Reservoir, with Wards Island in the background and The Beresford in the foreground
mirko_raner: Another view of my apartment building; on this one you can actually see my apartment (red arrow)
mirko_raner: Empire State Building as seen from above the Hudson River
mirko_raner: The new World Trade Center
mirko_raner: Battery Park with Castle Clinton
mirko_raner: 17 State Street overlooking Battery Park
mirko_raner: Our pilot getting ready for her next flight
mirko_raner: Crazy creature with shovel-like mouth at the Natural History Museum
mirko_raner: ...yes, I was indeed wondering about that!
mirko_raner: And another interesting creature...
mirko_raner: This one has a nose like a giant vacuum cleaner
mirko_raner: A recent addition to the collection: Lonesome George, the last Pinta Island Tortoise, who died in 2012, aged 102 years
mirko_raner: Awesome diorama showing a cackle of hyenas
mirko_raner: Another great diorama
mirko_raner: Cheetahs in a diorama
mirko_raner: The Ramptones' Organic Roots Octet playing at Jazz at Lincoln Center
mirko_raner: Two Sandras and one Lisa, and the Big Apple as backdrop