mirko_raner: Different shades of green
mirko_raner: Leaf canopy
mirko_raner: Lonely lantern
mirko_raner: Opera singer - she was awesome!
mirko_raner: Soap bubbles close up
mirko_raner: Kids in the bubble
mirko_raner: Giant soap bubble cluster
mirko_raner: Soap bubble artist at work
mirko_raner: Only in New York... can you meet someone like this friendly grandpa with his colorful dress and green beard :-)
mirko_raner: Want to skate but have no place to put your drink? No problem, just do what this guy does!
mirko_raner: Huge tree (good thing I had my wide-angle lens)
mirko_raner: Last rays of sunshine before the storm cloud moves in
mirko_raner: Tree bark
mirko_raner: People enjoying the meadow
mirko_raner: Wishing I had an HDR camera...
mirko_raner: Cabs and cars on 65th Street
mirko_raner: Skyscrapers next to the park