Mirjphoto: Schneckentanz auf dem Stiel
Mirjphoto: Ich mach mal langsam heute...
Mirjphoto: Was gibs denn da?
Mirjphoto: Kuck mir aufs zauberhafte Häusschen, und du kannst dir was wünschen...
Mirjphoto: Hummel am arbeiten
Mirjphoto: Working bee
Mirjphoto: Butterfly beauty
Mirjphoto: Hello Butterfly!
Mirjphoto: Butterfly and bee
Mirjphoto: Butterfly
Mirjphoto: Beautiful youngster
Mirjphoto: Tessin - die Sonnenanbeter
Mirjphoto: Strech-Cat
Mirjphoto: bienemaya
Mirjphoto: Biene chillt
Mirjphoto: Chilling cat
Mirjphoto: Mami-Schaf, Silberstern und eine Kollegin
Mirjphoto: Silberstern
Mirjphoto: Charly
Mirjphoto: Dancing queen
Mirjphoto: Freedom
Mirjphoto: Flamingo
Mirjphoto: Whats up?
Mirjphoto: Tender kiss? or bite?
Mirjphoto: Kissing horses
Mirjphoto: Best friends
Mirjphoto: Don't come closer, dude!
Mirjphoto: Rythm - amazing evening at Vancouver beach with the birds..
Mirjphoto: Hey dude, whats up?
Mirjphoto: Vancouver beach boy