miriamdema: As I was leaving the gym earlier #prettysky # tujunga
miriamdema: Ground find in the side yard #skull #coyote #bones #losangeles #tujunga #deadthings
miriamdema: Oh noes, Mantis down! So I moved him to a bush, which he'll promptly eat I bet.
miriamdema: Another angle, this table looks better with a bunch of people at it. Thankfully I've a dinner party in the works.
miriamdema: and then I like to go outside and look at the 'grams. where it is *finally* not a bajillion degrees.
miriamdema: I see you #tugunga #deer
miriamdema: Outside house. New walkways, done!
miriamdema: putting in a new walkway
miriamdema: Daily walk #tujunga #losangeles
miriamdema: still burnt #dailywalk #tujunga
miriamdema: why driveways cost so much
miriamdema: and then it rained #sky #losangeles #tujunga
miriamdema: New driveway part 2!
miriamdema: Scary nighttime! #spider #frontdoor
miriamdema: the sky tonight #nofilter #losangeles #tujunga
miriamdema: monday walking #losangeles #tujunga
miriamdema: snake walk
miriamdema: walk. So I'm not ashamed to admit when my Bluetooth headphones vibrated a few minutes I jumped a bit. #snake #dailywalk
miriamdema: I don't pick up every feather but I *always* pick up owl feathers!
miriamdema: Walk #losangeles
miriamdema: Growth
miriamdema: Today's walk on the longest day of the year.
miriamdema: trying out a new combination of photo apps for blog posting