mirceagoia: Beautiful sunset in Arizona
mirceagoia: Beautiful sunset in Arizona1
mirceagoia: A storm in brewing in southern Arizona
mirceagoia: In a dust storm
mirceagoia: Passing through a dust storm
mirceagoia: Arizona mountain
mirceagoia: The Arizona sun
mirceagoia: American West
mirceagoia: It cost you $300 per day to film at this UFO base
mirceagoia: X-Files in Arizona
mirceagoia: An entire UFO base here in Arizona
mirceagoia: Where are the little green men
mirceagoia: Little green man
mirceagoia: Who is that, he doesn't look like a little green man-is it Mulder from X-Files
mirceagoia: You can use it as a house, little green men wouldn't mind
mirceagoia: Inside the UFO
mirceagoia: The Arizona sun1
mirceagoia: What a view of this UFO crashed in Arizona, X-Files will be here soon
mirceagoia: I guess there is no fuel here
mirceagoia: Blue sunset from the inside of the UFO
mirceagoia: The Arizona sun2
mirceagoia: Sun if going down at this crashed UFO
mirceagoia: This UFO base seem desolated
mirceagoia: I guess they kept the fuel inside the right buildings
mirceagoia: Want to live here
mirceagoia: This UFO sits right along the road
mirceagoia: View from above of the UFO base in Arizona
mirceagoia: The hidden UFO base in Arizona
mirceagoia: Yeah, they stole the engine of the UFO
mirceagoia: Looks like they stole everything from this UFO