mirceagoia: Another night in Monument Valley-Arizona
mirceagoia: Stars are up when sun is down
mirceagoia: Some snow didn't hurt
mirceagoia: The portal
mirceagoia: The long way to home
mirceagoia: So much red, am I on the right planet
mirceagoia: Yes, I am on Mars and I like it
mirceagoia: I am not alone on this planet
mirceagoia: This looks like, what
mirceagoia: Playing with the dogs
mirceagoia: Don' try to touch those horses
mirceagoia: Nice dog
mirceagoia: Another nice dog
mirceagoia: I am tired of you
mirceagoia: I am defending this land
mirceagoia: There is winter here too
mirceagoia: Can't go further
mirceagoia: Aliens have new year too
mirceagoia: The alien sun
mirceagoia: My Millenium Falcon taking a rest
mirceagoia: You can use the bike on thes roads
mirceagoia: Fingers in the air
mirceagoia: It's not that cold
mirceagoia: Big difference
mirceagoia: The green is scarce around here
mirceagoia: That bigger than your apartment block
mirceagoia: That's the biggest tree here
mirceagoia: Between the tree and the rock
mirceagoia: People are living here though
mirceagoia: Everything is bigger than on your planet