mirceagoia: The director mounting the camera
mirceagoia: The lighting guy setting up his stuff
mirceagoia: Another part of the team
mirceagoia: One of the main actresses1
mirceagoia: One of the main actresses
mirceagoia: Filming the Making of Orn movie
mirceagoia: Trying the anti-alien weapon...hehe
mirceagoia: The spaceship interior
mirceagoia: Getting ready for the aliens close encounter
mirceagoia: I am ready, baby!
mirceagoia: It's a good day to die...painless, I hope
mirceagoia: It hurts...especially when I think who will hurt me
mirceagoia: Are you scared
mirceagoia: Lights! Camera! Action!
mirceagoia: Dead! Almost...
mirceagoia: Dead! This time for good
mirceagoia: The alien - on the screen will look much bigger
mirceagoia: Cut! Let's do it once again
mirceagoia: Finished dying...cleaning the mess
mirceagoia: Part of the team at work
mirceagoia: Sound check
mirceagoia: Taking a break
mirceagoia: Waiting for something to happen
mirceagoia: Action! Again...
mirceagoia: Actors in the background
mirceagoia: Explaining the shot
mirceagoia: Taking another break with the main actress
mirceagoia: Talking with the director
mirceagoia: Setting up the sound
mirceagoia: Checking-the-camera-and-the