miquito.: DSC_0452
miquito.: DSC_0460
miquito.: Plattan
miquito.: DSC_0462
miquito.: DSC_0466
miquito.: DSC_0466
miquito.: Plattan
miquito.: Sergels torg
miquito.: Cergel
miquito.: Stockholm panorama
miquito.: The new building
miquito.: Just around the corner
miquito.: The University pictogram
miquito.: I'm a pictogram
miquito.: Peoples democracy
miquito.: Anybody home?
miquito.: This was the future
miquito.: Where people live
miquito.: Hot Rod
miquito.: Hot Rod Engine
miquito.: Water front building
miquito.: Barnens allsång på skansen
miquito.: Escalator
miquito.: Central stationen
miquito.: At the end of the tunnel
miquito.: All the kings men III
miquito.: All the kings men II
miquito.: All the kings men I
miquito.: The Bench
miquito.: City Life