mipt93: this will be gone soon
mipt93: This kid!
mipt93: This kid!
mipt93: This kid!
mipt93: This kid!
mipt93: This kid!
mipt93: on purpose
mipt93: the weird angle
mipt93: the look
mipt93: smile
mipt93: smile
mipt93: do what i have to do
mipt93: almost did not notice you
mipt93: the underdog
mipt93: what was needed that moment
mipt93: go round round round
mipt93: this is how close i can get to you
mipt93: childhood
mipt93: artsy
mipt93: touristy
mipt93: all of a sudden he flew by
mipt93: that sunny afternoon
mipt93: not-so-good reflection
mipt93: waiting
mipt93: rawness
mipt93: more not-so-good reflection
mipt93: windows and doors fascinates me
mipt93: more windows
mipt93: too much
mipt93: hard-working yeah!