helen_ratcliff: undefined
helen_ratcliff: Having a nap in the afternoon sun
helen_ratcliff: Technology and domesticity collide
helen_ratcliff: Afternoon coffee stop
helen_ratcliff: 1kg Florentine steak on a hot stone. Meat feast.
helen_ratcliff: Where there are meatballs there's pasta
helen_ratcliff: Meatballs in progress
helen_ratcliff: Rhubarb and ginger cheesecake part 1
helen_ratcliff: The finished cheesecake. A bit overbaked on the outside but still pretty tasty!
helen_ratcliff: Cook & helper
helen_ratcliff: undefined
helen_ratcliff: Nice little sweet treat waiting for me after a long day at work.
helen_ratcliff: Being educated in the ways of Instagram over a burger.
helen_ratcliff: What you looking at? Can't you see I'm trying to sleep?
helen_ratcliff: Pelican in the park
helen_ratcliff: If I look cute will you give me some prawns?
helen_ratcliff: Catching some afternoon rays
helen_ratcliff: My new apron, very apt!
helen_ratcliff: Fed up with looking cute, just give me the damn prawns.
helen_ratcliff: Cat in "puked on blanket, dislikes clean one" shocker.
helen_ratcliff: Erm, scuse me. Down here looking cute. What do I have to do to get some fuss round here??
helen_ratcliff: Red velvet cupcakes, questionable piping skills.
helen_ratcliff: Seriously Costa, it's only October!
helen_ratcliff: You're just jealous you can't lick your own bits ...
helen_ratcliff: If your feet didn't stink so much I'd crap in your shoe
helen_ratcliff: An old picture, but pretty much the look I'm getting now after being away for 2 nights
helen_ratcliff: Enjoying an afternoon prawny treat
helen_ratcliff: Thomas sneaking up on me 'Weeping Angel' style
helen_ratcliff: Lightning cable doubles up as a rather good cat toy!
helen_ratcliff: Soon to be crackled pork belly with mash and onion scrumpy sauce