mintasfotos: Kevin Farley & I at the Comedy Spot 6 3 11
mintasfotos: 22/52 :Teri Frost, Carlos Alazraqui from Reno 911 & I at the Improv. Tempe, AZ Comedy Club.
mintasfotos: Kevin Farley Teri Frost Patrick Sutton & I at the comedy spot
mintasfotos: performers from June 3 2011 comedy spot (with foto-bomber in back)
mintasfotos: michael mcdonald tempe improv 6 11 11
mintasfotos: only foto with michael mcdonald i got
mintasfotos: prescott visitors
mintasfotos: Liliya Souslova
mintasfotos: Jas Clay
mintasfotos: Steve Costa
mintasfotos: Bill Lackner
mintasfotos: James Harvey Heard