mintasfotos: who's out there!?!
mintasfotos: ~oh hai... you dont mind if i use this bridge do u?
mintasfotos: look mom! toast!
mintasfotos: ms grumpypants before the stuffing
mintasfotos: mmmmm toast.....
mintasfotos: ~ oooooh.....whats THIS!~
mintasfotos: oh hai.......
mintasfotos: ~ BAD GertieGirl!
mintasfotos: ~nothing says party like a new kleenex box house !
mintasfotos: ~ is this all i am getting tonite?
mintasfotos: ~ lil ms gertster says WoOtwOoT it's friday
mintasfotos: ~ ssshh.... i think someone is coming to steal my corn
mintasfotos: ~ what choo talkin about willis??
mintasfotos: ~ thanx for the corn momma
mintasfotos: gertie is sad it is the end of hammie week
mintasfotos: wk 34 /52 wks of feeling fit.....a hammie in the hand is worth about 9.95 + A LOT of entertainment =)
mintasfotos: ~working with models can be difficult
mintasfotos: ~ yummy leaves
mintasfotos: highkey hammie time =) cant touch her....♫ do do do do do do ♫....hammietime!
mintasfotos: ~ ooooomph ... it's MONDAY =( gertie not happy.....
mintasfotos: ~ after the bubble bath
mintasfotos: ~ morning hamyoga ....wk 33/51 wks....trying to work yoga into the mix =)
mintasfotos: O.M.G....Gertie! BREATHE!!~
mintasfotos: French Soldier: You don't frighten us, English pig dogs. Go and boil your bottoms, you sons of a silly person. I blow my nose at you, so-called "Arthur King," you and all your silly English K-nig-hts.
mintasfotos: ~ Home is the place where, when you have to go there, They have to take you in. Robert Frost
mintasfotos: who dat?
mintasfotos: ~ good mornin monday....luv, gertie
mintasfotos: ~hey doggie....can you help me out of here?
mintasfotos: ~ ahhhhhwhooo
mintasfotos: not sure if i like my bigger place ..i look rather concerned here~ dont i?