mintasfotos: me & frankie at amex early 90s
mintasfotos: camp minikani LTs ~1982
mintasfotos: ~ my baby shoes
mintasfotos: ~ a little girls dreams
mintasfotos: ~ 1969 flower girl dress
mintasfotos: ~Tony in san fran june 1998~
mintasfotos: ~Paul Holtzman shopping in SanFran june 1998~
mintasfotos: Paul after painting the toes of the statue in sanfrancisco. we stayed @ this haunted mansion ~ june 98
mintasfotos: ~me at nansis apartment ~1990?
mintasfotos: ~ me ...1990... i think?~
mintasfotos: 1996 me on top of pole while working for phillip morris ~
mintasfotos: chewy and me approx 1995
mintasfotos: san fran with the boys
mintasfotos: halloween brad & david don & i clay & tim - 1994?
mintasfotos: ~me at foster home 1965~
mintasfotos: ~me at foster home 1965~
mintasfotos: Magnus Jansson & wife Lisa-Lotta Pettersdaughter married 1863
mintasfotos: ~Frederick McDonald Thomson Jr 1930~
mintasfotos: ~mom 1938~
mintasfotos: ~Annie Birgitta Gunhild Holmdahl~
mintasfotos: ~ my Aunt Marianne & My Mom in Superior~ 1932~
mintasfotos: ~My mom & her mom (my mormor) in Superior~ 1932~
mintasfotos: ~Brother Tommy's Baptism~
mintasfotos: ~Ski Bunny in the making~
mintasfotos: ~snow, the way i remember it~
mintasfotos: ~ remember elephant pants?~
mintasfotos: ~little Minta as flower girl in Superior, Wi~
mintasfotos: lil me parents house menomonee falls wi
mintasfotos: swimming in lake superior while visiting my mormor & papa's cabin.
mintasfotos: Karen Drayer and I backyard with Billy -high school