mintasfotos: urbanacidivized chicken
mintasfotos: she adores her swing
mintasfotos: chix wants to send some of her sunshine to y'all !~
mintasfotos: mmm peanuts ....
mintasfotos: buh bye!...get out of my room please..
mintasfotos: chewy and me approx 1995
mintasfotos: ~1139:YIP~... we were not a fan of the pumpkin!~
mintasfotos: ~1119:YIP~... chickens new playgym~
mintasfotos: ~10299:YIP~... chubby chickeh dots~
mintasfotos: ~stretch~!
mintasfotos: ~ok... i guess i like this afterall~
mintasfotos: ~for Auntie Pami =) ~
mintasfotos: ~10279:YIP~... bath time...wings out!~~
mintasfotos: ms chix being sassy before i cleaned her room
mintasfotos: ~939:YIP~... why cant you guys come in here & play with me??
mintasfotos: ~649:YIP~....gotta move fast around this one....
mintasfotos: ~ms chix wonders who birthday it is tomrw??~
mintasfotos: ~come on chix!!...aunti pami wants a NICE foto...not one of your butt!~
mintasfotos: ~shake your tailfeather~
mintasfotos: ~11178:YIP~.... the soft underbelly~
mintasfotos: ~9258~... Sweet Alex~
mintasfotos: ~8268:YIP~...i'll make my own bed - thank.u.very.much!~
mintasfotos: ~alex, checkin me out...closely & deciding if he should bite~
mintasfotos: ~6298:YIP~... ms chix havin a sunday snack~
mintasfotos: ~my pretty chix...eating~
mintasfotos: ~5318~..New Toy w/ chicken bokeh~
mintasfotos: ~highkey chix~
mintasfotos: ~busy girl on her new playstand~
mintasfotos: ~5178:YIP~...Chix's new playstand from Stu~
mintasfotos: ~chicken's new platform from Stubeans~