mint_candy: Real friends don't need many words
mint_candy: "Being in love doesn't mean anything. Being loved is actually something, but being in love and loved is everything"
mint_candy: Smile everytime you can, laughter is the cheapest medicine"
mint_candy: "There's nothing more beautiful than love, which managed to last whole life", not avaailable
mint_candy: "It's hard to find a real friend, even harder to leave, and it's almost impossible to forget"
mint_candy: Life doesn't mean anything without friendship n/a
mint_candy: Friend is just like another me.
mint_candy: Memories of youth, happy times, time of the best fun - are with us the whole life"
mint_candy: "Maybe for the world you're no one, but for someone you're his world"
mint_candy: "The path to your friend's home is never too long
mint_candy: "If there's something you should stick to, then you should stick to being together"
mint_candy: Coffee
mint_candy: Inkognito Life is short!
mint_candy: We can do it! not available