minor9th: @nileshashra with @milyrenee introduce the almighty Salt and Straw ice creams. This is almond with salted ganache. Bloody amazing.
minor9th: One of the top 3 coffees of my life
minor9th: James having a wash
minor9th: Photo
minor9th: Chocolates from Lille Belle Farms. Really really good.
minor9th: James and snowy car
minor9th: 'Highlights' from Crater Lake Lodge's past
minor9th: Excuse me...
minor9th: Crater lake
minor9th: James in the Mustang
minor9th: Blue cheese truffles
minor9th: We stayed in a treehouse!
minor9th: '61 Oregon police car
minor9th: Our awesome room for the night
minor9th: Chopping
minor9th: The haul
minor9th: Picking shiitake mushrooms for breakfast with Nate
minor9th: Drinking B'Anna's kombucha
minor9th: Sometimes your style is as important as your look
minor9th: Wizard of Oz themed breakfast place in which the characters watch themselves reach Emerald City
minor9th: Geography lessons
minor9th: James' new hat
minor9th: Nice type in this 1983 travel guide
minor9th: On the side of Highway 1, in front of the wild ocean, James keeps a beady eye on the stoners throwing bottles off the cliff next to us
minor9th: Redwood sorrell
minor9th: We were a day late for dragstravaganza. Big-lipped pout
minor9th: We stayed in the 'Victorian' suite with this lady
minor9th: Up
minor9th: James does pool
minor9th: 4pm, 88F