minor9th: Mast Brothers values
minor9th: Progress at 31 July
minor9th: More piano tuning...
minor9th: A few last-minute changes to the programming
minor9th: Yahoo updates requesting an unreasonable amount of data from me
minor9th: Jellyfish umbrellas
minor9th: BERG sofa
minor9th: The lights
minor9th: At the moment G is blue
minor9th: Kay
minor9th: Tinkering with the programming
minor9th: Electrickery
minor9th: Stef in the light
minor9th: Look at my face
minor9th: James and Simon
minor9th: Climbing
minor9th: Lurking for dinner
minor9th: Boing boing
minor9th: Big old like
minor9th: Paul A Young Fine Chocolates, Wardour Street shop panorama