♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: Just helping with the decorations
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: cant get down
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: She loves her kitten
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: She calls it play
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: laurel and rossi
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: Mountain goat???
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: De Rossi the intrepid
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: Rossi launched a surprise attack on me when I went to make the bed
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: Day 269 of 365 ~ still loves her kitty
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: Don't pee in or drink from the pool Zac