♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: Only 4 easy monthly payments...........u
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: OMG, this takes me back to about grade 2 or 3....
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: OK, if I tilt my head this way and look straight at you will you buy
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: Not as sorry as we are John
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: No jokes here, this is one seriously good song
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: Free bonus album with every Nat King Cole according to this screen
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: For you are beautiful and I have loved you dearly more dearly than the spoken word can tell.....
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: For Roz & 54 of 365
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: Engelbert, now theres a name that we don't hear anywhere near enough.....Engelbert.....I am Engelbert!!! yes I like it
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: Crapovision ~ Charlie Rich
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: Anne Murry's voice along with Karen Carpenter's could make an angle sigh
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: and I say to myself............
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: and fill my days with..............
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: Ahh, Willie, old before he was
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: Youch!! much Elvis goodness