♥minni64♥ ~ Leah:
Gracie ~chillin~ in a Nirvana top by Tammy aka Frenchpants
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah:
It seems that it all got a bit too much for young Milli
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah:
Milli tried to hide with her new mate Mr J Walker
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah:
So she took her dispair to the gutter......
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah:
Fossie auditions for a role in Temptation
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah:
Foss then tries without success to impersonate a bottle of cheap wine
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah:
Then she sat herself down to wait for her drink to be poured
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah:
3 girls in Frenchpants
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah:
Daytrippers in the bag
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah:
Shhhh, they'll never find us in here