♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: While Posh just took it easy
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: Laila stamped her foot and said she was NOT going outside
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: Kandi took to rollerblades the next morning
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: Off she goes
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: Laila say's 'come, you can trust me'
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: Posh enjoys some afternoon sun
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: Kandi wears her Saturday dress
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: My shoes are better than yours
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: Kandi and Mum both wear Tokidoki T's ~ Clearly twins seperated at birth :D
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: The girls hold court
♥minni64♥ ~ Leah: It's hard work being cute all day