minminatmidnight: Geranium and bee
minminatmidnight: Anthemis tinctoria "Sauce Hollandaise" - Helle Färberkamille
minminatmidnight: Agastache and cabbage butterfly
minminatmidnight: Thistle - Distel
minminatmidnight: Thistle and cabbage butterfly
minminatmidnight: Knautia arvensis with green-veined-white
minminatmidnight: Echinacea purpurea and peacock butterfly
minminatmidnight: Echinacea purpurea an meadow browns
minminatmidnight: Echinacea purpurea and bumble bees
minminatmidnight: Echinacea "Sunset" and bumblebee
minminatmidnight: Coneflower and meadow brown
minminatmidnight: Coneflowers and meadow brown
minminatmidnight: Coneflower, bee and rose chafer
minminatmidnight: Echinacea purpurea and rose chafer
minminatmidnight: Lavender, butterfly and bee
minminatmidnight: Lavender and bee
minminatmidnight: Lavender and bee
minminatmidnight: Lavender and bee
minminatmidnight: The Light-Bearer
minminatmidnight: Lavender and Cabbage White
minminatmidnight: Lavender and cabbage white
minminatmidnight: Lavender and bee
minminatmidnight: Lavender and cabbage white
minminatmidnight: Ant on peony
minminatmidnight: Weigela variegata and rose chafer
minminatmidnight: Weigela variegata and rose chafer
minminatmidnight: Kokardenblumen mit Biene
minminatmidnight: Sonnenhut Green Jewel mit Hummel
minminatmidnight: Clematis und Schwebfliege
minminatmidnight: Präriemalve und Biene