Minkel: Hotel bath - Oxford, OH
Minkel: #12
Minkel: Medium Formatted
Minkel: In a Whole New World
Minkel: The Wall in da'house
Minkel: Fuckin' Artic Blast
Minkel: Apocalypse going to Brooklyn
Minkel: Self and the City Fish Eye-ish
Minkel: All the Best for 2010!!
Minkel: A Nervous Tic Motion of The Head To The Left
Minkel: Cry Of The Owl
Minkel: Yo! way to many tequilas last night !!
Minkel: Nashville's Street Art/Graffitis
Minkel: ..and with each step you feel another deja vu
Minkel: Yo! with hangover
Minkel: I can't believe it!
Minkel: El Flaco
Minkel: A venezuelan guy relaxing at Piccadilly Circus
Minkel: Westminster Abbey
Minkel: We’re smokers outside the hospital doors. (Tagged again)
Minkel: Hey Guys !!
Minkel: Damn hell Hilton Chicago bathroom
Minkel: Me on "mpagne pop"
Minkel: Hola !
Minkel: You Don't Know Me..
Minkel: Nice day in the city
Minkel: Vintage Me.
Minkel: Me at King Palace - Madrid
Minkel: Me on the mirror