AmyRothPhoto: all males
AmyRothPhoto: crab pot
AmyRothPhoto: poke, poke
AmyRothPhoto: deadliest catch
AmyRothPhoto: reinforcement
AmyRothPhoto: pouring it in
AmyRothPhoto: loads of salt
AmyRothPhoto: the good stuff
AmyRothPhoto: fixins
AmyRothPhoto: godchild
AmyRothPhoto: the whoosh of propane
AmyRothPhoto: sorting
AmyRothPhoto: crab paraphernalia
AmyRothPhoto: escapees
AmyRothPhoto: oak tree
AmyRothPhoto: Dad building a wind screen
AmyRothPhoto: aaaagh!
AmyRothPhoto: boiled crabs
AmyRothPhoto: tree swing
AmyRothPhoto: tree swing
AmyRothPhoto: more, please
AmyRothPhoto: a hurtin'
AmyRothPhoto: The Crab Whisperer
AmyRothPhoto: big gulf clouds
AmyRothPhoto: opening presents
AmyRothPhoto: there was cake
AmyRothPhoto: the birthday cake