AmyRothPhoto: sweet boy
AmyRothPhoto: the boys
AmyRothPhoto: big bed
AmyRothPhoto: food bowl
AmyRothPhoto: reflection
AmyRothPhoto: sleeping
AmyRothPhoto: in his crate
AmyRothPhoto: sleeping
AmyRothPhoto: eating
AmyRothPhoto: resting
AmyRothPhoto: Rufus lazing
AmyRothPhoto: canadian goose toy
AmyRothPhoto: Don't mess with me.
AmyRothPhoto: Rufus & me
AmyRothPhoto: smells of the neighborhood
AmyRothPhoto: jogging
AmyRothPhoto: side of house
AmyRothPhoto: a new love
AmyRothPhoto: taking a break
AmyRothPhoto: big wet nose
AmyRothPhoto: tolerance
AmyRothPhoto: He looks calmer than he was.
AmyRothPhoto: sausages?! sausages?!
AmyRothPhoto: hide & seek
AmyRothPhoto: Dad hoped he'd be a Cajun
AmyRothPhoto: Where y'at, dahlin?
AmyRothPhoto: Gil & Rufus, together again