AmyRothPhoto: my feral husband
AmyRothPhoto: Ethan!
AmyRothPhoto: Gifford 5
AmyRothPhoto: blowing kisses
AmyRothPhoto: speech!
AmyRothPhoto: warmth
AmyRothPhoto: Bones made it!
AmyRothPhoto: awwwww
AmyRothPhoto: Anita mosquita
AmyRothPhoto: Mike & Heather
AmyRothPhoto: Eric & Kirby
AmyRothPhoto: extreme close-up
AmyRothPhoto: zooma-zooma
AmyRothPhoto: Simone
AmyRothPhoto: He's a climber, that one.
AmyRothPhoto: I can't get enough of this kid, I swear!
AmyRothPhoto: Brewster
AmyRothPhoto: Brewster v2
AmyRothPhoto: Dana shakes her thang
AmyRothPhoto: Dana & Max
AmyRothPhoto: Ben breaks it out
AmyRothPhoto: Dad taught them all their moves, I think.
AmyRothPhoto: Sam played emcee
AmyRothPhoto: nice composition, huh?
AmyRothPhoto: Sam's fancy footwork
AmyRothPhoto: the wave
AmyRothPhoto: Max sends it down the line
AmyRothPhoto: Ben returns it
AmyRothPhoto: Kirby & Dana