minim: Wistman's Wood
minim: Wistman's Wood
minim: Midgemuckle behind a tree
minim: Midgemuckle behind a tree
minim: Sheep and a motorbike
minim: Cross on the moor
minim: Dartmoor hillside
minim: Pony
minim: Black-faced sheep
minim: Sheep
minim: The view from Little Mis Tor
minim: Da on the road
minim: Nice effect, rubbish for working
minim: Fuzzy
minim: Church tower
minim: Tree-lined walk
minim: Tom Pearse, Tom Pearse...
minim: Grindstone workshop
minim: Grindstone workshop
minim: Grindstone workshop
minim: Bird
minim: Dartmoor
minim: Dartmoor
minim: Scorhill Down
minim: Scorhill Circle
minim: Meldon Hill