lns1122: Souther Field near Americus and Andersonville
lns1122: Lindbergh started here
lns1122: Lindbergh sculpture
lns1122: Detailed map of a full prison
lns1122: The whole picture
lns1122: Confederate v Union prisoners
lns1122: Civil War prisoner discussion
lns1122: B-17 mementoes from WWII
lns1122: WWII battle jacket
lns1122: This Was Andersonville
lns1122: Tableaux of suffering
lns1122: Tableaux detail
lns1122: Prisoner
lns1122: Rhode Island marker near dead line
lns1122: Monuments of Michigan, Massachusetts, Ohio
lns1122: Stockade and Providence Spring house
lns1122: Providence Spring
lns1122: southern stockade corner
lns1122: Sign for prison hospital
lns1122: View of entire prison area
lns1122: view from commandant's position
lns1122: This enclosure was for prison managers and officers
lns1122: cannon protecting the commandant's area
lns1122: MINI visits Andersonville
lns1122: Bridge contructed by CCC
lns1122: The creek that caused so much disease
lns1122: View from a pigeon roost
lns1122: Stockade corner portrays inner site
lns1122: expanded stockade
lns1122: outlying cannon