minidreamer ♫: bridge to loneliness - puente a la soledad
minidreamer ♫: un rayito de sol - a sunbeam
minidreamer ♫: viejo árbol, vieja casa, vieja ventana y viejo farol -old tree, old house,old window and old lantern
minidreamer ♫: taedium vitae or even Hound of the Baskervilles get the blues :D - tedio de la vida o incluso al perro de baskerville le entra la depre :D
minidreamer ♫: hotel para pájaros con alas rotas - hotel for birds with broken wings
minidreamer ♫: snowfall in san sebastian - nevada en san sebastián
minidreamer ♫: cathedral of bayonne - catedral de bayonne
minidreamer ♫: cathedral of bayonne - catedral de bayonne
minidreamer ♫: old abandoned church - vieja iglesia abandonada
minidreamer ♫: opened and closed windows and shutters - ventanas y contraventanas abiertas y cerradas
minidreamer ♫: red clothing in an old stately balcony - ropa roja en un balcón de una vieja casa señorial
minidreamer ♫: yellow & turquoise house sorrounded by ivy - casa amarilla y turquesa rodeada de hiedra
minidreamer ♫: beautiful turquoise doorway - hermoso portal turquesa
minidreamer ♫: turquoise upholsterer´s - tapicería turquesa
minidreamer ♫: cloister of the cathedral of bayonne - claustro de la catedral de bayonne
minidreamer ♫: architecture is precious in san sebastian - la arquitectura es preciosa en san sebastian
minidreamer ♫: rainy night in san sebastian - noche lluviosa en san sebastian
minidreamer ♫: wild waves crushing on the bridge in Donostia-San sebastian - olas salvajes rompiendo en el puente en Donostia-San sebastián
minidreamer ♫: symmetrical cats or rear window :P - gatitos simétricos o la ventana indiscreta :P
minidreamer ♫: Kursaal Auditorium, san sebastian (no tripod)
minidreamer ♫: Kursaal Auditorium bathed by a ray of light - auditorio kursaal bañado por un rayo de luz, san sebastian
minidreamer ♫: precious dome - preciosa cúpula, san sebastian
minidreamer ♫: beautiful resididential complex in san sebastian - hermoso complejo residencial en san sebastian
minidreamer ♫: residential complex - conjunto residencial , san sebastian
minidreamer ♫: dome for sale :D - cupula en venta :D , san sebastian
minidreamer ♫: mysterious mansion - palacete misterioso
minidreamer ♫: Te esperaré hasta el final de los tiempos - I´ll wait for you till the end of times.
minidreamer ♫: the bastion of the Queen - el baluarte de la Reina
minidreamer ♫: precious streetlamp of the kursaal bridge - preciosa farola del puente del kursaal
minidreamer ♫: the fuchsia flowers that fell in love with the blue roof :P - las flores fucsia que se enamoraron del tejado azúl :P