minidreamer ♫:
cena para tres - dinner for three (criticism against fast food)
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vacaciones al borde de un abismo - holidays on the edge of an abyss
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la cuesta de la vida - the slope of life
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la cuesta de la muerte - the slope of death
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panta rei - panta rhei - todo fluye - everything flow
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just around the corner - a la vuelta de la esquina
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taedium vitae or even Hound of the Baskervilles get the blues :D - tedio de la vida o incluso al perro de baskerville le entra la depre :D
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woman thinking in the silence of the night - mujer pensando en el silencio de la noche
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S.O.S Man overboard! - S.O.S ¡Hombre al agua!
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opened and closed windows and shutters - ventanas y contraventanas abiertas y cerradas
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xmas star - estrella navideña
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sea foam - espuma del mar
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selfportrait erase & rewind - autorretrato borrar & rebobinar
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selfportrait trapped between past and present - autorretrato atrapado entre el pasado y el presente
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racism stinks - el racismo apesta
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lady gaga posing nude for Vanity Sheep - lady gaga posando desnuda para Vanity Sheep
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I told you these were not good times for us - Te dije que estos no eran buenos tiempos para nosotros
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Betty Boop lying on a heart shaped sofa - Betty Boop descansando sobre un sofá con forma de corazón
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omnia vulnerant ultima necat
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Swanchronicity - Cisnesincronicidad