Miniature Life: My new heartbreaker!
Miniature Life: She's just so
Miniature Life: Chunky babes
Miniature Life: Florence
Miniature Life: Kids these days...
Miniature Life: Florence - a little closer.
Miniature Life: Teacher & Student
Miniature Life: Florence
Miniature Life: Florence
Miniature Life: Fun lovin' Florence
Miniature Life: Florence
Miniature Life: Brunettes together
Miniature Life: Kenner gals
Miniature Life: Florence
Miniature Life: Florence
Miniature Life: Florence 💕
Miniature Life: Florence ❤️ #blythe #blythedoll #kennerblythe
Miniature Life: Marceline & Florence ❤️ (Marceline has already stolen the Prima Dolly Peach stock)
Miniature Life: Redressing the Kenners! Brunettes and Ravens! ❤️
Miniature Life: Florence ❤️ She's off to the library
Miniature Life: Florence & Peach ❤️ #kennerblythe