mingyahu: Marry me again
mingyahu: 85mm + BigTop
mingyahu: 85mm + Ferris Wheel
mingyahu: DSC_6127
mingyahu: DSC_6311
mingyahu: DSC_8469
mingyahu: DSC_8738
mingyahu: DSC_9254_2
mingyahu: Azuma Sushi Eel
mingyahu: DSC_9301
mingyahu: DSC_9304
mingyahu: DSC_9305
mingyahu: mondayblues
mingyahu: macromonday blues
mingyahu: Holbrook Farm
mingyahu: Longrain Sunday 2
mingyahu: Macro Monday "one of these is not like the other"
mingyahu: Macro Monday "one of these is not like the other"
mingyahu: Macro Monday "one of these is not like the other"
mingyahu: Macro Monday "one of these is not like the other"
mingyahu: Macro Monday "one of these is not like the other"
mingyahu: Macro Monday "one of these is not like the other"
mingyahu: Bokeh angel
mingyahu: DSC_9228
mingyahu: DSC_9247
mingyahu: DSC_9259
mingyahu: HappyBokehWednesday
mingyahu: HappyBokehWednesday
mingyahu: HappyBokehWednesday
mingyahu: DSC_9455