Ming_Young: Take a deep breath 深呼吸
Ming_Young: 中秋節快樂!Happy Moon Festival!
Ming_Young: Working bee
Ming_Young: Summer's Tail 抓住夏天的尾巴
Ming_Young: 一串葡萄 Bloom like grapes
Ming_Young: Bloom in the rain 雨中的綻放
Ming_Young: 夏天的回憶 Memory of summer
Ming_Young: 雨中七里香 Orange Jasmine blossom in the rain
Ming_Young: Tea tree blossom 茶樹之花
Ming_Young: Appearance of golden dewdrops 金露花
Ming_Young: 不凋零的金色年華 The golden time never be withered
Ming_Young: 生生不息 Pass the life on and on
Ming_Young: 龍騰斷橋 Longteng Bridge
Ming_Young: 龍騰斷橋 Longteng Bridge
Ming_Young: 龍騰斷橋 Longteng Bridge
Ming_Young: 等待 Waiting for
Ming_Young: 松瀧岩瀑布 Sunlinksea,Nantou,Taiwan
Ming_Young: 漫步在森林 Strolling in the forest
Ming_Young: 芳苑燈塔 The lighthouse and the sunflower.