Ming_Young: 典藏 Collection
Ming_Young: 鄉間小路 Country road
Ming_Young: 華燈初上 Night falls in Jiufen
Ming_Young: Temple yard at blue hour
Ming_Young: 一簾幽夢
Ming_Young: Golden blossom in summer 夏日的金黃綻放
Ming_Young: Summer's golden shower 夏日黃金雨
Ming_Young: 框金的停車場 Golden parking lot
Ming_Young: Welcom sunny day 迎接好天氣
Ming_Young: ~Moonlight night~
Ming_Young: A room with many views 窗外多藍天
Ming_Young: 祝 大家 新春吉祥
Ming_Young: 祝 大家 旺上加旺!好運旺旺來!Good luck all the year!
Ming_Young: 心願 Wishes /周末愉快 Happy weekend
Ming_Young: 依山傍水 Jiufen by night
Ming_Young: Jiufen by night
Ming_Young: Lotus pond 擁荷人家