Min Pics: Doug's spring party centered on two drinks: the Sidecar and the Ramos Gin Fizz
Min Pics: The problem? The Ramos Gin Fizz is supposed to involve 12 minutes of shaking.
Min Pics: The shaking duties were shared
Min Pics: The list of ingredients was long
Min Pics: All for four of these tiny drinks per batch. But, they were tasty.
Min Pics: The critical ingredient involved an intense search in the week leading to the party.
Min Pics: The pour
Min Pics: But first, there was the shaking
Min Pics: Still shaking
Min Pics: Adam puts a brave face on the work. He was a diligent shaker.
Min Pics: Finally, freedom!
Min Pics: Beulah enjoys a Sidecar
Min Pics: Loves the camera
Min Pics: Not as much love for the camera