Min Pics: Thanksgiving. Arthur cooked a tasty, tasty turkey. Here, he finally gets to sit down and eat it.
Min Pics: Lilly's first bite of turkey, or meat for that matter, EVER!
Min Pics: Andrew waiting in line in the kitchen
Min Pics: Morgan guarding her food
Min Pics: Silly Lilly
Min Pics: The chef preparing to serve
Min Pics: Waiting to dive in
Min Pics: Movie theater arcade visit
Min Pics: Morgan's confused by what she's supposed to be shooting. Arthur's entertained.
Min Pics: Ahh, good, NRA-loving, American fun at the movies
Min Pics: Arthur relives his arcade game youth with Galaga
Min Pics: Lilly's amazed that her dad's so good at this
Min Pics: Concentrating
Min Pics: The kids say, "What weird game is this? It looks old."