Min Pics: Miami Santa
Min Pics: Miami Santa hanging with his pals
Min Pics: A stormy evening in Miami
Min Pics: A necessity after a night of imbibing in Miami
Min Pics: Our hotel
Min Pics: Linus says goodbye to the water
Min Pics: A cloudy view from a beach chair
Min Pics: Linus, drop the Treo! We're at the beach.
Min Pics: The view from my beach chair
Min Pics: The Purdy Lounge...
Min Pics: ...after too many drinks
Min Pics: A horrible dance club
Min Pics: Complete with rap, 80s and Justin Timberlake music
Min Pics: The drinks needed to endure the Purdy Lounge
Min Pics: Linus' gangsta pose
Min Pics: The hotel room drinks
Min Pics: The fruity beverage toast
Min Pics: Mmm...rum-filled drinks
Min Pics: Linus and his birthday parrot
Min Pics: The Miami Vice