Min Pics: Goodbye Laura Dinner 001
Min Pics: Goodbye Laura Dinner 003
Min Pics: Goodbye Laura Dinner 014
Min Pics: Robert had bags of gifts for Laura
Min Pics: Jan nearly licked the plate clean at Primo's
Min Pics: Laura's getting glow mouth
Min Pics: Robert explains Laura should be cooking in New Orleans
Min Pics: Doug's intrigued by the lengthy presentation
Min Pics: Pirate boys
Min Pics: Laura learning how to make ethanol
Min Pics: Laura just saw the picture of her favorite Ag Dept staffer
Min Pics: Laura and Bob
Min Pics: Laura gets her Bob Odom gift
Min Pics: Robert wanted Laura to be prepared to cover crime in New Orleans
Min Pics: Goodbye Laura Dinner
Min Pics: The view from my bar stool at Red Star
Min Pics: Here's Arthur's traditional pose
Min Pics: Hello, Jacques
Min Pics: Giggler
Min Pics: Proud of his pics
Min Pics: Small crowd, where's the party?
Min Pics: Min and Arthur
Min Pics: Bill and Arthur
Min Pics: Everybody happy?
Min Pics: Party scene
Min Pics: Jeff and Beulah
Min Pics: Why does Catherine have two drinks?
Min Pics: Laura the cutie
Min Pics: Viewing the displays
Min Pics: Laura finally arrives