Min Pics: Doug and I got new desks!
Min Pics: Doug's a fan of the new chair
Min Pics: My friend Megan and her son Axel
Min Pics: Isn't he a cutie?
Min Pics: After dinner at Middendorf's
Min Pics: My fondue friend has left me
Min Pics: Fender and Denise
Min Pics: Ahh, steamy Fender photo
Min Pics: Fondue with Fender
Min Pics: Min and Arthur at Lola's
Min Pics: Arthur and I love this gorilla in Plaquemine
Min Pics: Gorilla in Labor Day outfit
Min Pics: Josh dropped by Red Star for a visit
Min Pics: Bill and Arthur really like each other, they do.
Min Pics: Andy likes to terrorize my cat
Min Pics: ... Or play with him, depending on your point of view.
Min Pics: My birthday
Min Pics: The sign told them to do it
Min Pics: Everybody bought shots ... Not sure how many
Min Pics: This is pretty much how the whole night went
Min Pics: My birthday cupcakes
Min Pics: A little wine with the cooking
Min Pics: I was in a car accident ... Sufficient to say, my car isn't driveable
Min Pics: The red car caused the accident
Min Pics: His car wasn't driveable either
Min Pics: The tow yard where all wrecked cars go to be undriveable
Min Pics: My New Car
Min Pics: Much better than the smashed Corolla
Min Pics: The post Thanksgiving meal nap
Min Pics: Uggg ... too much food. Even the dog wants to know how you could eat that much.