Min Pics: Linus getting the travel pillow ready for his regular ferry nap
Min Pics: On the ferry back to the mainland
Min Pics: Maria's aunt's house
Min Pics: Picture 179
Min Pics: Maria, our tour guide
Min Pics: Picture 182
Min Pics: Picture 185
Min Pics: Picture 189
Min Pics: I made everyone trudge up to see the oracle temple at Delphi
Min Pics: The oracle temple at Delphi
Min Pics: Enjoying the hiking, Maria?
Min Pics: Hello, Greece!
Min Pics: Is this really the best way to go back down?
Min Pics: Christo likes the goat, too
Min Pics: Yum, that's goat-good
Min Pics: Linus loves goat
Min Pics: The temple of Athena at Delphi
Min Pics: Picture 203
Min Pics: The Greeks just leave ruins piled up everywhere...
Min Pics: Ahh, trudging back uphill after looking at the ruins
Min Pics: Christo loved this bridge
Min Pics: Olympic wrestling arena
Min Pics: Picture 212
Min Pics: How many ruins can we pose in front of in one day?
Min Pics: Picture 214
Min Pics: Picture 215
Min Pics: The Olympic stadium
Min Pics: The archway into the Olympic stadium
Min Pics: Entry into the Olympic stadium
Min Pics: Gearing up for the big Linus/Christo race