Min Pics: Laura's really tired of hanging out with us in Lake Charles
Min Pics: Jessy looks like she has antlers growing from her head
Min Pics: Hitting golf balls into the lake seemed to entertain the boys for hours
Min Pics: Bill was the golf ball enabler
Min Pics: Mia's watching the golf balls, too.
Min Pics: Ahh, where did the ball go?
Min Pics: Every one of them liked to hit golf balls into the lake
Min Pics: Why do boys think it's a good idea to hit golf balls into the lake?
Min Pics: Megan's tired by day three of Lake Charles fun
Min Pics: Adam's got girls on his bathing suit
Min Pics: Me and Laura
Min Pics: The Lake Charles armadillo survived Hurricane Rita
Min Pics: Doug's journaling in Lake Charles
Min Pics: Jacques loved that hat
Min Pics: Campers
Min Pics: Hi, Jessy!
Min Pics: Who let Bill be in charge of the grill?
Min Pics: Bill needs a break from the grilling...
Min Pics: We're at the Lake Charles camp and Doug's got the wine ready
Min Pics: The remnants of Jacques' birthday cake
Min Pics: Laura and I at Adam's family camp in Lake Charles
Min Pics: Laura's thrilled she's got a new job
Min Pics: Ahh, the soon-to-be-married couple
Min Pics: Megan gets to cut the turtle cake
Min Pics: Mmmm...
Min Pics: Jacques didn't bother to wait for plates...
Min Pics: Blowing out the candles
Min Pics: Happy birthday, Jacques!