brandnewkindof: perma-surburbia
brandnewkindof: baseball: michigan @ unc, game 3
brandnewkindof: a glass of wine and a good book
brandnewkindof: gnomes guarding tivos
brandnewkindof: baseball: unc @ duke, game two
brandnewkindof: cats in sinks
brandnewkindof: carrboro, spring
brandnewkindof: baseball: fsu @ unc, game two
brandnewkindof: moose. mooses. meese?
brandnewkindof: shoe container gardens
brandnewkindof: new camera bag
brandnewkindof: baseball: mississippi state @ south carolina
brandnewkindof: perfect sets of handprints in pollen
brandnewkindof: mmmm cheerwine
brandnewkindof: teenage trees
brandnewkindof: the way they grow up
brandnewkindof: delicious delicious pizza
brandnewkindof: manifestation of the winston-salem time warp
brandnewkindof: featuring johnny neff on the electric sitar
brandnewkindof: send me dead flowers by the mail
brandnewkindof: raleigh world beerfest 2010
brandnewkindof: but sometimes you're too old to drive a beater
brandnewkindof: other people's family
brandnewkindof: all lined up in little boxes
brandnewkindof: sons of bill
brandnewkindof: cover my walls with images
brandnewkindof: stars in their eyes
brandnewkindof: a better son or daughter
brandnewkindof: zoom zoom zoom
brandnewkindof: please do not tap on glass