MineraSanCristobal: Front side of the market at the new San Cristobal town 2
MineraSanCristobal: Inside the Market of the New San Cristobal town
MineraSanCristobal: Church of the new San Cristobal town 1
MineraSanCristobal: Visit of the Mining Minister Jose Pimentel to the San Cristobal Technical Insitute
MineraSanCristobal: San CristoÌbal Technical Insititute
MineraSanCristobal: Training mechanical shops at the San Cristobal Technical Institute 5
MineraSanCristobal: Old San CristoÌbal town 1
MineraSanCristobal: Inside of the San CristoÌbal Technicla Insitute
MineraSanCristobal: School students from the new San Cristobal town
MineraSanCristobal: Refilling of potable water for the new San Cristobal town
MineraSanCristobal: Front side of the San Cristobal Technical Insitute
MineraSanCristobal: Front side of the market at the new San Cristobal town 1
MineraSanCristobal: Houses at the new San Cristobal town
MineraSanCristobal: Bandstand at the main square of the new San Cristobal town
MineraSanCristobal: San CristoÌbal icon at the church of the new San Cristobal town
MineraSanCristobal: Achupalla (ceremonial rockl) moved from the old town to the new one
MineraSanCristobal: Baby llama at the new San Cristobal town
MineraSanCristobal: Inside of the church at the new San Cristobal town 1
MineraSanCristobal: Church of the new San Cristobal town 2
MineraSanCristobal: Old San CristoÌbal town 3
MineraSanCristobal: Old San CristoÌbal town 4
MineraSanCristobal: Training mechanical shops at the San Cristobal Technical Institute 1
MineraSanCristobal: Training mechanical shops at the San Cristobal Technical Institute 3
MineraSanCristobal: Training mechanical shops at the San Cristobal Technical Institute 4-w1440
MineraSanCristobal: Training mechanical shops at the San Cristobal Technical Institute 2-w1440
MineraSanCristobal: Training mechanical shops at the San Cristobal Technical Institute 1-w1440