Matthew Singer: Bordon Creek
Matthew Singer: A rock shelter
Matthew Singer: A Canyon in the Sipsey
Matthew Singer: A wood snail
Matthew Singer: A Waterfall
Matthew Singer: A Waterfall
Matthew Singer: Bloodroot
Matthew Singer: Dave and Michelle
Matthew Singer: Hepatica
Matthew Singer: Toadshade Trillium
Matthew Singer: A Waterfall
Matthew Singer: A Waterfall
Matthew Singer: A Waterfall
Matthew Singer: A Waterfall
Matthew Singer: Hepatica
Matthew Singer: Tall Cliffs
Matthew Singer: Tree growing on the rock
Matthew Singer: Fat Man's Squeeze
Matthew Singer: Carpet of Trout Lilly
Matthew Singer: Trout Lilly
Matthew Singer: Virginia Bluebell
Matthew Singer: Virginia Bluebell
Matthew Singer: Dusky Salamander
Matthew Singer: Toadshade Trillium
Matthew Singer: Twisted Trillium
Matthew Singer: Twisted Trillium
Matthew Singer: A flat spot
Matthew Singer: Blue Violets growing on a tree
Matthew Singer: Stopping to rest at a potential campsite
Matthew Singer: The Waterfall at Heatherbrook