minelflojor: La cascade verte...! - The green waterfall ...!
minelflojor: La cascade verte...! - The green waterfall ...!
minelflojor: D'ici, tout est différent...! - Seen from here, everything is different ...!
minelflojor: Laisse planer ta vision....! - Let your vision hover ....!
minelflojor: Sur le chemin de l'hiver...! - On the way to winter ...! - (in Explored 2018-12)
minelflojor: Nostalgie...! - Nostalgia...! - Smile on Saturday - Nature is an Artist
minelflojor: L'horizon souligne notre vision....! - The horizon underlines our vision ....!
minelflojor: Equilibre....! - Balance....!
minelflojor: L'équilibre du temps...! - The balance of time ...!
minelflojor: L'ombre d'une histoire.....! - The shadow of a story .....!
minelflojor: Le Causse Noir....! - The Black Causse ...!
minelflojor: Présence étrange...! - Strange presence ...!
minelflojor: Etre juste de passage....! - Just be passing ....!
minelflojor: Nuit des temps....! - Night of the times ....! (in Explored 2018-09)
minelflojor: S'imposer aux siècles...! - To impose oneself on centuries ...!
minelflojor: L'âme d'un géant....! - The soul of a giant ....!
minelflojor: Ruissellement...! - Runoff ...!
minelflojor: Le passage...! - The passage...!
minelflojor: Il y aura toujours une issue...! - There will always be an exit...!
minelflojor: Le Grand Sphinx...! - The Great Sphinx ...!
minelflojor: Juste après, le monde s'éveilla...! - Right after, the world woke up
minelflojor: Le Causse Noir...! - The Black Causse ...!
minelflojor: Gamme de nuances...! - Range of shades ...!
minelflojor: Sculpture en toile de fond...! - Sculpture in the backdrop ...!
minelflojor: D'ocre et de lumière....! - Ocher and light ....!
minelflojor: Roussillon
minelflojor: L'issue...! - After...!
minelflojor: Autrefois...! - In the old days...!
minelflojor: Immersion...!
minelflojor: De l'autre coté....! - The other side....!