mindwhisperings: Tar Sand Oil Truth
mindwhisperings: The hidden (or not so hidden) costs of the tar sands pipe line
mindwhisperings: The pain of it
mindwhisperings: Brilliant Bag Costume
mindwhisperings: Green Obama
mindwhisperings: Solar Power
mindwhisperings: Bill McKibben
mindwhisperings: Fracking Poisons Farmers
mindwhisperings: Save the Bees!
mindwhisperings: "I miss snow days!"
mindwhisperings: "Keep it in the ground"
mindwhisperings: Responding to the threat of climate change
mindwhisperings: No more fracking!
mindwhisperings: Drum Circle
mindwhisperings: IMG_0586
mindwhisperings: Fracking Threatens Our Food!
mindwhisperings: wind power!
mindwhisperings: Planet Earth
mindwhisperings: Forward on Climate