Mind's Peephole: I command and the waves follow! ~ Explore (Oct 31, 2009)
Mind's Peephole: The longest journey of any person is the journey inward. ~ Dag Hammerskjvld ~ Explore (Oct 29, 2009)
Mind's Peephole: "Dogs are better than human beings, because they know but do not tell." ~ Emily Dickinson ~ Explore (Oct 28, 2009)
Mind's Peephole: Before the Carnival: Silhouettes from Marina 4/4 ~ Explore Oct 20 and 21, 2009
Mind's Peephole: Catching Up With My Buddy ~ Explore (Jan 2, 2010)
Mind's Peephole: The Skywatchers ~ Explore (Jan 5, 2010)
Mind's Peephole: Self-Love ~ Explore (May 6, 2010)