Minder Cheng:
Brown Shrike (紅尾伯勞)
Minder Cheng:
Brown Shrike (紅尾伯勞)
Minder Cheng:
Pallas's Squirrel (赤腹松鼠)
Minder Cheng:
Black Bulbul (紅嘴黑鵯) with a meal of honeybee
Minder Cheng:
Consider yourself privileged, I rarely let anyone see my behind so clearly - Eurasian Moorhen (紅冠水雞)
Minder Cheng:
Eurasian Moorhen (紅冠水雞)
Minder Cheng:
Common Kingfisher (翠鳥)
Minder Cheng:
White-rumped Shama (白腰鵲鴝)
Minder Cheng:
Flying solo (凌霄單飛) - Chinese Trumpet Vine (Campsis grandiflora 凌霄花)
Minder Cheng:
Eurasian Tree Sparrow atop Lotus flower bud (雀舞荷苞)
Minder Cheng:
It takes two to tango - Eurasian Tree Sparrow on seedpot of Lotus (麻雀與蓮蓬的探戈)
Minder Cheng:
Eurasian Tree Sparrow (juvenile) dancing with Lotus flower (幼年麻雀與荷花共舞)
Minder Cheng:
Eurasian Tree Sparrow under Lotus flower bud (雀引荷苞)
Minder Cheng:
Eurasian Tree Sparrow under Lotus leaf (雀舞荷扇)
Minder Cheng:
Dark Blue Tiger (Tirumala septentrionis 小紋青斑蝶)
Minder Cheng:
Vivid Niltava (黃腹琉璃)
Minder Cheng:
Vivid Niltava (黃腹琉璃)
Minder Cheng:
Japanese White-eye (暗綠繡眼)
Minder Cheng:
White-rumped Shama (白腰鵲鴝)
Minder Cheng:
Crested Goshawk (鳳頭蒼鷹)
Minder Cheng:
Eurasian Tree Sparrow (麻雀)
Minder Cheng:
I'm good at fishing - Common Kingfisher (翠鳥)
Minder Cheng:
Crested Goshawk (鳳頭蒼鷹)
Minder Cheng:
Oriental Magpie-Robin (鵲鴝)
Minder Cheng:
Taiwan Scimitar-Babbler (小彎嘴)
Minder Cheng:
Just caught a fish - Little Egret (小白鷺)
Minder Cheng:
Light-vented Bulbul (白頭翁) eating berries
Minder Cheng:
Nutmeg Mannikin (斑文鳥)
Minder Cheng:
Courtship of Moorhens (紅冠水雞)
Minder Cheng:
White-breasted Waterhen (白腹秧雞)