mindbum: gary cooper's eyelashes
mindbum: the world is turnin
mindbum: graellsia isabellae
mindbum: rich antler to the earth
mindbum: twobirdsonestone
mindbum: candid cantilena
mindbum: buoyant butcher boons
mindbum: coincidency collationer
mindbum: dame de pique
mindbum: the knight
mindbum: thus hath the candle sing'd the moth
mindbum: hey gustav...
mindbum: the night-winds sigh, the breakers roar, and shrieks the wild sea-mew
mindbum: chromatic cinder-path
mindbum: she cries flowers for enrico
mindbum: mercurial air
mindbum: collabracadabra
mindbum: mercure rose very rapidly
mindbum: relics
mindbum: yegg or the quaint humour of a letter writer
mindbum: the tyranny of the open night's too rough for nature to endure
mindbum: moomoo