Minda Haas Kuhlmann: Gia being interviewed
Minda Haas Kuhlmann: Mark Nasser welcoming everyone
Minda Haas Kuhlmann: The baseball podium almost completely obscured the players
Minda Haas Kuhlmann: Martie Cordero making some remarks
Minda Haas Kuhlmann: MITCH went with a slicked-back hairdo. Thoughts?
Minda Haas Kuhlmann: The players awaiting questions
Minda Haas Kuhlmann: Nass telling a joke about LeFebvre
Minda Haas Kuhlmann: silly times
Minda Haas Kuhlmann: LeFebvre is excited about Caravan!
Minda Haas Kuhlmann: Nass laughing at...something
Minda Haas Kuhlmann: MITCH Maier and his Wall Street hair
Minda Haas Kuhlmann: Those darn watter bottles were all up in the way
Minda Haas Kuhlmann: Glad to see they stil have the "Splitt" patches on the jerseys
Minda Haas Kuhlmann: Maier joking about his pitch repotoire